Zionism is the purest form of unbridled ethnic hatred i.e.,Racism
We use the generic term, 'apartheid state' to describe Israel, but, in the real sense it's not an apartheid state at all - it's worse than apartheid - far worse.
There isn't a 'project' (what zionism - lowercase - is - a 'project') a polity is the history of our human family as vile - morally reprehensible as zionism. Let it be known that's what Allen Rheinhart thinks of the project that is the zionist project.
In the South African era of apartheid they wanted and needed the indigenous populace of blacks as workers, they wanted them to stay - for continued exploitation purposes of course, but, in Israel, they seek the total eradication of the indigenous Palestinian people by way of the complete destruction of them as a people, their homes within that open air prison/concentration camp called the Gaza Strip - which is by definition ethnic cleansing, a war crime, a crime against peace and crimes against humanity - they want them gone - to a one - and will not stop at mass murdering them as the world watches to accomplish their 1948 goals of the complete removal of all Palestinians from Palestine. it's up to us - the citizens of humanity to not only stop this but also having ALL the perpetrators severely punished - starting with Israeli Prime minister Benjamin "BiBi" Netanyahu - this monster is supposed to die in a prison cell - and as a U.S. Senator I'm going to do everything possible to put him where he belongs.
After reading please consider donating - from any place on earth - so that I can get the word out by way of a new YouTube channel and a personal podcast to expose ardent Zionist US Senator Jacky Rosen - who flew to Israel to attend a face-to-face war council with war criminal BiBi Netanyahu. She thinks that between now and next November this will all be swept under the rug - will the mass murder of so many innocent Palestinians be swept under the rug? I will continue via every method available to expose her between now and the November election where I will be on the ballot. I understand the fear many people have of being labeled an antisemite (fired) so there is a way to donate directly to me - the only person with access to your name is myself (here).
It is one of the most hateful political/social philosophies to ever come into human existence.
It ranks right up there with American race hatred of blacks - from the 1500's til now - in it's murderous, genocidal intent towards all Palestinian life.
Israeli society houses a deep ethnic hatred not only of Palestinians - but of Christians, too.
In this video (below) you'll see grown adults and children spitting at Christians worshipers, at churches, and reports of them spitting at nuns.
They label this vile behavior perfectly acceptable as it's "an old Jewish Tradition"? And what's to be processed in these videos is they've gone out of their way to march in groups past churches to spit. You'll see a few back up and spit and one wave his hand to them not to walk close to the church.
And, do you as a Christian or a Muslim or of any other religion in the world want to serve zionists as their slaves because they are such great people - the chosen people by god? Scroll to 13.50 of this video taken at random on the Israeli street and listen. watch this filth they spew about Christians . Their racism is absolutely staggering. Their society is a deeply corrupt one overflowing with a deep disdain for other religions, cultures and people. The Israeli nation's spiritual leader, Yitzhak Yosef, their chief rabbi calls black Americans "monkeys". Imagine had an Islamic spiritual leader - an Ayatollah in the Islamic world called black Americans monkeys - you wouldn't have heard the end of it on the floor of the US Congress, yet not one peep from any member of the US Congress. This chief rabbi whose father before (Ovadia Yosef) held the same position as he does now said that "all gentiles on earth are here to serve jews" that otherwise they have no place in this world (here). On the other hand Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, The Supreme leader of iran sent his support for Black Lives Matter during the worldwide George Floyd Protests (a must read statement). And, when black people were being savagely murdered by racists cops in Ferguson, Missouri back in 2014 - like it was the lynching era of the 19th century, Palestinians were sending out their love and support (a must read statement). I ask you to help me by donating in this mission to expose them for who they really are. We all know how they'll react to what I'm going to do - everyone who speaks out against their murderous behavior of killing babies/children by the thousands is an antisemite (their go-to 'tricks of custom') The actors Susan Sarandon & Melissa Barrera being their latest victims (here). Until there is a Palestinian State I will be unrelenting - and all their propaganda apparatus' and name calling will roll off me like water off of a ducks back. In fact I welcome it. See if I back down, retract a statement, apologize or clarify. We Nevadans who believe in peace must shed ourselves of politicians like Democrat politicians like Jacky Rosen who flew into a war zone to show her tacit support for the crimes of the Israeli state that were to come (and had previously been committed),
This beautiful soul sends her love from Palestine - 2014
`No man is an island`
If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of they friends`s or of thine own were.
Any man`s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. -John Donne
Part II - How the Israeli state killed their way into existence.
#BDS #fromtherivertothesea #Nakba48 #Palestineforever #genocidejoe