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The Perils of Federalist Society Judges - and political appointees of the same vein. 

Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, and John Roberts.

I've done my homework (below) so have the political decency to start doing yours as a far more aware resident of the state of Nevada and as a citizen of the American republic by reading it - in its entirety.

Below is a list of Federalist Society members that Nevada Senator "Black" Jacky Rosen have confirmed to the federal bench of our republic.   Rosen voted to confirm Federalist Society member Aileen Cannon who we're watching do all in her power to run interference for Donald Trump in his upcoming trial.

 For a more perfect vision of who and what the Federalist Society is/stands for, click on the podcast (Takeover) and read this article prior to continuing (here).  Both will give you a briefing on the subject matter.  I have but one disagreement with Harvard law professor, Noah R. Feldman - namely, that their power is waning - when in fact with this latest SCOTUS debacle (Roe V. Wade was "unfinished business" for them) you see they've gotten stronger than ever before. 

I've kept my eye on them since their inception exactly 40 years ago and I can tell you from decades of research that they are the most dangerous bunch of political scoundrels & reprobates that any republic on earth has the displeasure of birthing.  They are bad people - to a one. 

I will not mince works of what I think of them - these people crawled out of the sewer. 

Their social & political beliefs are from the dark ages.  

The 6 above have risen to the top of the class - The Supreme Court of The United States, but, lower down the judicial ladder - federal judgeships - are others of their fraternity that shouldn't be allowed to sit in final adjudication of two cockroaches fighting, much less the life altering affairs of the American citizenry.  

It's a fraternity for intellectual degenerates, where they can all gather and share in their collective disguise of humanity and how to reshape it to their vision through the judicial process (here).

If it's a progressive issue of any kind, social, political they harbor a deep disgust towards it (their collective hatred of our LGBTQIA sisters & brothers is off the charts - they're next on the list to go back and settle "unfinished business" with).       

There are currently cases to be adjudicated before these Federalist Society judges - and future cases of all sorts - women's rights, LGBTQIA, civil litigation regarding pharmaceutical companies, petrochemical companies, bankruptcy cases, on down the line how - how any Democratic Party senator would help seat even one Federalist Society judge (nominated by Trump) - knowing full well that they go into the case with their minds already made up is beyond all understanding - yet, that's exactly what both our Nevada (women) senators - Catherine Cortez-Masto & Jacky Rosen have done - time and time again - it's unconscionable.   
There is a cottage industry of "judge shopping" of moving around bankruptcy and other cases from one venue to another to find a favorable judge - do they both not know this?  Of course they do, Cortez-Masto is the former Nevada State Attorney General so she had to know, she simply shares a similar social & political mindset with them to confirm ANY Federalist Society Judges to a lifetime appointment on the federal courts - and likewise Jacky Rosen.
Below is a list of Federalist Society members that either one or both Senators Cortez-Masto & Jacky Rosen has confirmed.

If any judge(s) were/are to be opposed based on their corrupt judicial philosophy it's a Federalist Society activists judge. 

Yet, Both Nevada senator have confirmed (here) "Trump's many Federalist Society judges" - like Hala Jarbou to the federal court for the western district of Michigan, along with Manchin & Sinema - the three of them working together are a noxious triumvirate.  There are other Federalist Society judges she's confirmed along with Manchin & Sinema to 'lifetime appointments' to the federal courts - namely, Sherri Lydon (here) &  Anuraag Singhal (here) & Annemarie Carney Axon (here) & Matthew Schelp (here).  On November 29th, Schelp halted President Biden's vaccine mandate in 10 states.

Likewise, in 2019, Both voted to confirm this Trump-Federalist Society reprobate, John J. Sullivan to be the current US Ambassador to the Russian Federation.   John J. Sullivan (scroll down to "biographical information #12").  Btw, that also tells you a little something about the Biden presidency keeping Trump-Federalist Society members around.  And, the man Donald Trump attempted to ascend to the attorney general's job, environmental lawyer, Jeffrey Clark (whose home was recently raided by the FBI) to help him perform a coup is also a member of the Federalist Society (here).

The judicial pattern directed to their social/political agenda is so obvious to all but the blind. 




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