Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools
Each and every young black girl in America is being set up to be the next clients of the prison industrial complex...that's our Black community's young daughters and grand-daughters - Rockefeller drug laws 2.0 is up and running.
When Nelson Rockefeller, a virulent racist (as governor) introduced this into New York criminal code, back in 1973 we had a bunch of servile black congresspeople who sat and did nothing - many even supported it, with the results being what we have today, our people mass incarcerated - what's happening now is the 2000's version about once to again devastate Black America, but with much deadlier consequences this go-round.
You see it how free racist white cops feel they can beat and murder black women - on video, something that was unheard of just 10 years ago. They're murdering black women inside of prisons like it's the 1880's.
If Black Americans don't stop this they'll have only themselves to blame - when in 10 years, 700,000 + of our young black girls/young bl ack women are gone from their homes, family & black society where they're needed daily, only to be rotting in prisons across the republic.
That's the plan afoot as we speak. This isn't Allen Rheinhart's responsibility alone to get this to black Nevadans, I'm doing all that Allen can do --- I'm right here, trying to fight the good fight for my people, that's all I can do - others have to do their parts, too.
I'll stop this dead in its virulent racist tracks, but, I gotta get there to stop it............
https://www.amazon.com/ Pushout-Criminalization-Black- Girls-Schools/dp/1620970945 (this is a must read book for every Black American before it's too late - again)
Assist me in getting this message out to 50,000 Black Nevada Democratic Party voters (of 312,000 black Nevadans) and Catherine Cortez-Masto is a page in political history.