Universal Basic Income
5 mins read
A "Universal Basic Income (UBI) or a Citizen's Income," is basically what's being begrudgingly given with this merger one-time $1,200 direct deposits from the Treasury by way of the IRS. Were the Treasury to give every American a mere $1,500 a month (330 million people) the cost would be approx. $495 billion dollars. Nearly all of which would go right back into the local economy - very little would be saved.
It's a pittance ($1,200), far too little to cover your current needs throughout this COVID-19 pandemic that has killed tens of thousands around the world and will continue to kill tens of thousands more. Back in 2020, right here in Nevada during the height of the pandemic we witnessed lines of cars that stretch 4 miles long for food baskets - something most Nevadans would have never imagines for themselves.
UBI is but one of the many tenets of Democratic-Socialism introduced long ago by the likes of Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas, both of whom ran for President of the United States - Thomas ran six times. The video below by [then] president FDR - in 1944 - proposing a [second] Bill of Rights, is directly borrowed from the Socialist Party manifesto of the era.
What real help is a one-time $1,200 check going to do Nevadans if this pandemic drags on into June, July, August and longer? The rush to get people back to work and your need for money to survive will force millions into risking their lives going back into environments that are little more than Petri dishes for COVID-19. Sure death to follow.
What needs to be implemented are continuous funds to allow for every American to simply stay put, indoors and out of harm's way until we get a handle on this madness.
Every American should have enough to pay the rent, feed themselves and their family throughout this worldwide pandemic. By executive order of President Biden, a national moratorium on rent & mortgage payments (as well as power bills) should be implemented (and stp blaming Vladimir Putin or our own failures of leadership). In CD#1 over 50% of the people in the district are renters - well, who is your landlord planning to move in after evicting you for not being able to pay the rent? What fictitious person is there waiting in the wings with rent money to move in after you're evicted? We're all in the same boat. It's insulting to common sense that management would posts eviction notices in the first place - there is no one to move in and they know it - it's just mean and vindictive behavior.