Whiteness: The total inability to respect the humanity of non-white human beings. It [whiteness] houses a profound historical need to besmirch POC at each and every turn - as witnessed at the highest level of government during the senate confirmation hearings for Ketanji Brown Jackson (March 2022).
Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools
The Republic called, The United States of America, was NEVER great for Native American or Black people - ever. The notion is insulting that it was ever great for either.
Without reparative justice in the form of reparations, Black Americans will be another two and a half centuries from fiscal parity with other white Americans. Please review the links to obtain a more perfect vision of the realities of black life in our American republic here, here & here. Absolutely disgraceful.
Among my very first legislative actions: Reparations Act of 2023 - to mirror
H.R.40 - Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. My legislation will include Native Americans.
This COVID-19 pandemic has shown the need for a "cabinet level position" whose sole purpose is the protection of ethnic/national minorities in the United States and its territories (non-white people).
The destruction it's doing to communities of color (Native American, Black people in particular) is going to go down in the history books. (The Color of Covid-19)
It is to be modeled after the Council of Europe's - Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities - that went into full effect in Feb of 1998. It's to be noted that our nation, the United States of America, a nation of which a full 1/3 of its inhabitants are national-minorities in every sense of the term have yet to sign on (here).
In the American republic there are roughly 130 million people this cabinet level position will cover.
Native Americans (5.5 million)
African Americans (47.5 million)
Latino's (53 million)
Asian Americans (19 million)
Pacific Islanders (1.8 million)
Arab-Americans (3.7 million)
Encompassing all of the Americas - from Greenland to Chile (including all the island nations of the Caribbean) in the same manner as the FCNM covers, but, with criminal penalty level enforcement abilities - which is what's entirely lacking - as of now - with FCNM.
Without criminal penalty enforcement powers - such organizations are just talk.
In 1952, Germany entered into an agreement with the nation of Israel to pay billions in reparations to the estimated 500,000 Holocaust survivors that were resettled in Israel. The equivalent of $14.8 billion dollars. If Germany was forced to concede to their collective guilt as a nation and pay compensation for their crimes against the Jewish people, why then shouldn't the U.S. government who gave full legal consent to the trading in black human beings and the genocidal destruction of whole Native American communities for centuries not pay their descendants - "those that walk in the footsteps of" - compensation. We're owed it, and I will go to Washington D.C. to collect on behalf of 5.5 million Native Americans and 47.5 million Black Americans.
Information for every Nevada Essential Worker
The Case for Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coates